This is probably pointless, but I'm going to try anyway: before everyone from Glenn Beck to Jim Cramer to your office wingnut (every office has one, and you all know who I'm talking about even though I've never met you) freaks the fuck out over this:
Oct. 22 (Bloomberg) -- The Obama administration slammed Wall Street by ordering pay cuts of an average of 50 percent and caps on benefits for top executives at companies owing the government billions of dollars from taxpayer-funded bailouts.
... please remember this: we're talking about a move that affects a grand total of 25 people. That's not some number I pulled out of the ethers for hyperbole's sake. It affects a grand total of 25 people. 25 people who damn near managed sink the planet's economy. You don't get a raise for that unless you work for the villain in a James Bond movie. And this is not government over-reach, either: after the bailout, the government pretty much owns these companies, and their bonuses are pretty much being paid with our tax dollars.
Now, if you do decide to freak the fuck out over this, you can't ever again think it's OK for someone who buys a company to come in and fire half the workers and cut the remaining workers' salaries. Never again. You're a socialist now, fighting exploitative management on behalf of labor. Welcome to the glorious struggle, comrade.
Like I said, a futile gesture. But that's what the Internet is for.
After sitting through such a competent creep fest for an hour and a half,
Posted by: NFL shop | June 10, 2011 at 11:13 PM