Interesting BBC obit on Tony Blair's political career here, featuring comments from Colin Powell and Hans Blix.
The tone of the article is a bit strange, though; the writer seems to wonder why the decision to invade Iraq will define Blair's legacy. Give me a little while to research if any of Blair's other decisions contributed to the deaths of tens of thousands of people and I'll get back to you on that, OK?
I'm surprised to see the BBC treating the War in Iraq as "just another issue." I though that kind of thinking was limited to US journalism, with pundits wondering if the screaming hellstorm of bloodshed we've created in the Middle East would elicpse issues like the estate tax come election time. (Just this past week I heard Anthony Kudlow on the radio wondering why Bush isn't more popular; after all, just look at what he's done for the stock market! Um, Tony...)
Best bit of unintentional hilarity in the article:
That unwavering support for George Bush lost him friends at home, even if now, as he leaves office, it ensures him affection and respect from many of the key figures in Washington.
Cheer up Tony! You've still got Dick Cheney in your corner!