When I first started this blog, my intention was to occasionally bitch about politics and mostly use it as a platform for various creative ventures I was tinkering with.
Well, we do live in interesting times. Still, I'm not Atrios, I'm not Kos, hell, I'm not even this guy. And as far as I can tell the world isn't getting any saner so I'm going to take a crack at using this site for its original intended purpose.
I hope you enjoy this. It's called The Ranch, and it's a story about the uncomfortably near future and the soldiers who came back but couldn't come home.
A Blog Named Sue Copyright Policy: feel free to download and distribute to all of your friends & family. Very free. Link to it from your blog even. BUT, if you're going to reproduce or distribute it in any way and charge money for it you must obtain my permission first. I mean it. I know who you are and I own a large leopard. I can be reached at either of the e-mail addresses on the sidebar. I check the yahoo account more frequently. Thanks.